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Category: Buy Adipex Online

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What is Adipex?

Adipex-P (phentermine) is a prescription medicine commonly used to treat obesity, especially in overweight people with weight-related medical problems and risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

Losing your excess weight and maintaining body fitness by keeping the extra weight off can minimize the health risks of obesity, for example, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a shorter life. Adipex is used together with exercise and a low-calorie diet to reduce obesity.

Adipex is similar to amphetamine. Buy Adipex online from our website to treat your obesity. It would be best if you used Adipex with a doctor-approved exercise, reduced-calorie diet program, and behavior change that helps you lose weight.

How does Adipex work?

Adipex stimulates the CNS or central nervous system (brain and nerves), which increases your blood pressure and heart rate and thereby decreases your appetite. Adipex is usually used for a short period to promote weight loss. It is used for about a few weeks, and most weight loss occurs in the first weeks. However, significant weight loss generally continues through the sixth month and has continued at a slower rate through the ninth month.

In other terms, Adipex is an adrenergic agonist that promotes weight loss by activating your sympathetic nervous system with a subsequent decrease in your food intake and enhanced resting energy expenditure.

The combination medication has been shown to have additive weight loss efficacy. Adipex is an appetite suppressant and belongs to a class of drugs known as sympathomimetic amines.

How should I take Adipex?

You must take Adipex-P by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually once a day, one hour before breakfast, or one or two hours after your breakfast. If needed, the doctor may adjust your dose to take a small amount up to three times a day. Taking Adipex late in the day can cause trouble sleeping or insomnia. If you use sustained-release Adipex capsules, take the dose once a day before breakfast or a minimum of 10 to 14 hours before bedtime.

Swallow the Adipex capsule whole. Do not chew or crush sustained-release capsules. Doing so can release all the medication at once, increasing the risk of side effects. If you are using the Adipex tablets made to dissolve in the mouth, take the dose once a day in the morning, without or with food. First, dry your hands before you handle the tablet. Place your dose of Adipex on top of your tongue until it dissolves, then swallow it with or without water. The treatment length and dosage are based on your response to treatment and medical condition.

How long does Adipex take to start effects?

Adipex is absorbed through your gastrointestinal tract and reaches peak concentrations in the blood in about three to 4.5 hours. You should start feeling the effects of Adipex by this time, alerting you that the medication is working. The short-term impact of Adipex can include euphoria, decreased appetite, and hyperactivity.

What is the half-life of Adipex?

Adipex increases serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels producing an effect similar to amphetamine. Adipex has a half-life of approximately 20 hours, which is the time it takes for half of the dosage to be metabolized by your liver or excreted unchanged in the urine. It takes five to six half-lives for Adipex to be eliminated from the system.

A typical dose of Adipex is one 37.5 milligrams capsule in the morning before breakfast. Adipex contains the active ingredient phentermine hydrochloride, of which 70 percent to 80 percent is excreted in the urine unchanged. The rest undergoes N-hydroxylation and N-oxidation to form corresponding metabolites.

What other drugs can interact with Adipex?

You shouldn’t take Adipex if you take a class of drugs known as MAO inhibitors. You should consult with the doctor if you take antidepressants, including Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, or Wellbutrin. Adipex-P can interact with alcohol, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), blood pressure medications, insulin or oral diabetes medications, or antidepressants. Tell the doctor about all supplements and medicines you use while using Adipex.